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Lecturrete topic 162 - Role of Army in National Peace


The Indian Army stands as the vanguard of the nation's security, tasked with safeguarding its territorial integrity, defending against external threats, and maintaining internal stability. Beyond its primary function of national defense, the Indian Army plays a pivotal role in upholding peace within the country's borders and beyond. From counterinsurgency operations in conflict-affected regions to humanitarian assistance during natural disasters, the Indian Army's contributions to national peace are multifaceted and indispensable. In this article, we delve into the various roles and responsibilities undertaken by the Indian Army in preserving peace and security both at home and abroad.

Defending Borders, Ensuring Sovereignty

The foremost responsibility of the Indian Army is to defend the nation's borders and safeguard its sovereignty against external threats. With India sharing borders with multiple countries, including Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Myanmar, the Indian Army's presence and vigilance are critical in deterring aggression and maintaining territorial integrity. Through border patrolling, surveillance, and defense infrastructure development, the Indian Army ensures that the nation's frontiers remain secure, thus contributing to regional stability and peace.

Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism Operations

One of the most significant roles played by the Indian Army in upholding national peace is in conducting counterinsurgency and counterterrorism operations in areas affected by internal conflicts and insurgencies. Regions such as Jammu and Kashmir, the Northeastern states, and areas affected by Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) have witnessed prolonged periods of unrest and violence. The Indian Army, in coordination with other security forces and state governments, conducts operations to neutralize insurgent groups, restore law and order, and facilitate socio-economic development in these regions.

Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief

The Indian Army has earned accolades for its swift and effective response in providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief during natural calamities and emergencies. Whether it's earthquakes, floods, cyclones, or other disasters, the Indian Army's personnel, equipment, and logistical capabilities are mobilized to rescue stranded civilians, provide medical aid, distribute relief supplies, and restore essential services. The Army's timely interventions have saved countless lives and alleviated the suffering of affected populations, demonstrating its commitment to serving the nation beyond the battlefield.

Peacekeeping Operations

India has a proud tradition of contributing troops to United Nations peacekeeping missions worldwide, exemplifying its commitment to global peace and security. The Indian Army's peacekeeping efforts in conflict zones such as Congo, Lebanon, Sudan, and South Sudan have been widely acclaimed for their professionalism, dedication, and impartiality. Indian peacekeepers, with their extensive experience in dealing with diverse challenges, play a crucial role in stabilizing volatile regions, protecting civilians, and facilitating peace negotiations, thereby advancing the cause of international peace and security.

Promoting Regional Cooperation and Stability

The Indian Army actively engages in fostering regional cooperation and stability through bilateral and multilateral initiatives with neighboring countries and strategic partners. Military-to-military exchanges, joint exercises, and defense cooperation agreements enhance interoperability, build confidence, and strengthen diplomatic ties, thereby contributing to peace and security in the region. Collaborative efforts such as the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) promote mutual understanding, address common security challenges, and foster economic integration among member states.

Statistics and Achievements

  1. Border Security: The Indian Army is responsible for guarding over 15,000 kilometers of land borders and over 7,500 kilometers of coastline, making it one of the largest border-guarding forces in the world.

  2. Counterinsurgency Operations: In conflict-affected regions such as Jammu and Kashmir and the Northeast, the Indian Army has conducted numerous successful counterinsurgency operations, neutralizing thousands of militants and restoring peace and stability.

  3. Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR): The Indian Army has been at the forefront of HADR efforts, providing assistance during natural disasters such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the 2013 Uttarakhand floods, and the 2019 Cyclone Fani, among others.

  4. Peacekeeping Operations: India is one of the largest contributors of troops to UN peacekeeping missions, with over 250,000 Indian peacekeepers having served in 49 missions across the globe since 1948.

  5. Regional Cooperation: The Indian Army regularly participates in joint military exercises and training programs with countries such as the United States, Russia, France, and Japan, fostering military-to-military cooperation and interoperability.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite its commendable efforts, the Indian Army faces numerous challenges in its quest to uphold national peace and security. From cross-border terrorism to asymmetric threats and emerging security challenges, the Army must continuously adapt and modernize its capabilities to meet evolving threats. Additionally, issues such as border disputes, internal conflicts, and socio-economic disparities pose complex challenges that require comprehensive and coordinated responses.

Looking ahead, the Indian Army must focus on enhancing its capabilities in areas such as cyber warfare, space defense, and asymmetric warfare to effectively counter emerging threats. Investing in technology, training, and infrastructure will be crucial in maintaining a credible deterrent posture and ensuring preparedness to tackle diverse security challenges. Moreover, fostering greater coordination and synergy among the Army, Navy, Air Force, and other security agencies is imperative for enhancing jointness and maximizing operational effectiveness.


The Indian Army's role in upholding national peace and security is multifaceted and indispensable. From defending borders and conducting counterinsurgency operations to providing humanitarian assistance and participating in peacekeeping missions, the Army's contributions to peace are profound and far-reaching. As India emerges as a global power and seeks to play a greater role in shaping regional and international security dynamics, the Indian Army will continue to be at the forefront of efforts to safeguard national interests, promote stability, and advance the cause of peace in the world.
