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Thematic Apperception Test - 5 (TAT)

 Observe the below image carefully for 30 seconds and write a story around it in 4 minutes.

Comment your story below, comments once approved will be visible in the comment section.


  1. Masoom is the branch manager of Bandhan Bank in Ara. On a normal day while he was spectating his bank suddenly he saw that a robber entered the bank and started threatening everyone. Then the robber came to him and pulled his tie and asked him the keys of the loker. When masoom refused he started threatening him then masoom had no choice rather than giving the keys. Then the robber robbed and ran from there. Then masoom smartly informed the police and started following the robber hiding form his eyes sight. As the robber reached his destination the police arrived there and caught the robber along with his group. Then masoom was appreciated by the SP for his bravery

    1. Sir story should be in past tense.

  2. Ratan, who is a business man was going for his business meet and one day eairler he was told do bring some amount in cash for investing in some other company for collaboration so next day he went to bank and withdrew some money from companies account and as he was heading towards his vehicle one of the thief caught him and tried to snatch his money and the thief was warning him that he will hurt him if he refuge to give but while all this was going on, Ratan somehow maintained a distance and was constantly trying to calm down the thief as soon as he got some space he quickly took the help of near by people to grab the thief and called the police as well as informed the security near by.

    1. Rohit is a software engineer, working in a local software company in Pune. One day while coming home from work after doing overtime, was stopped by a robber. The robber looked dangerous. Rohit was tried because of load of boring work at office. But when the robber grabbed his tie and threatened him with a punch, adrenaline kicked in. Being a maroon belt, he knew some karate. He used some of what he remembered and managed to pin the robber down. Then he shouted for help and people from nearby houses came to his rescue. Later the robber was handed over to the police. Rohit filed a FIR and then went home. He narrated this incident as a bed time story to his kids.

  3. Rajesh is an income tax officer , he is a very diligent and honest person. Whereas, Pankaj (man with the black hat) is a corrupt business man , he has approached Rajesh to clear his name in the income tax fraud , he also tried to bribe him but Rajesh refused. Pankaj lost his calm and started threating Rajesh , he also started hitting him.

  4. Here Himanshu and Hardik are t agents of two different countries. Himanshu were sent to enquire about the secrets of rival country who is planning some attack to get the authority of island named as paracel. It's himanshus work is to find information regarding their military camps, their whole plan,their weapons. He went to their military office by becoming the head of that department, meanwhile another office found him suspicious started following him, when he got sure that he is the spy of another country, he attacked and tried to control him . Both the agents are fighting for their motherland and so courageously trying not let others to snatch their sovergeinty

  5. Yougansh was going back to his home from his office and while entering his residency society he saw a man snatching purse from the lady. He at once dialled to the police and then rushed to that man . He caught him from his back and cried theif theif. People hearing his shouting came there and caught that thief. The police also arrived at time and arrested the theif.
    The lady thanked yugansh for helping her. Yugansh asked everyone to be alert and aware if whose coming into our society, because our safety is in our hands only.

  6. Shiva is young software engineer who works for a top IT firm. Due to the pandemic, work from home condition prevailed. One day he went to a nearby ATM to withdraw some money and bought some essential groceries when the curfew was relaxed as instructed by the government. As he was returning home, a man held a knife to his throat and demanded him to handover his wallet and phone. Shiva put the grocery bag down and was handing him over the wallet. While the man was taking the wallet, Shiva cleverly hit him and pinned him to the ground. With the public assistance, he contacted the police and handed the man over to the police. The police praised his brave act.

  7. Characters 2
    Male aged 40 to 43
    Male aged 26 to 30

    Ram was getting late for his office when a old person came between the route and started begging for help as his son went unconscious . Ram without giving a second thought started giving the son some first aid . He sprinkled some water on his face . The son opened his eyes but was still weak . Ram arranged something to eat for both ramesh and his son . Ram was been praised for his help even though he was getting late for his office

  8. One day raman meet the stranger which gives him the feel that he is the one who tried to snatch his daughter a years ago but finally concluded that he was not come out from that situation that he faced years ago and contrite raman apologized the stranger.

    1. Snatch word is used for non living thing it should be kidnapped

  9. Balaji was going to his friends house and in the way a robber threatened him of his life for money and balaji was shocked but gained senses quickly and looked around keenly to find a way out and when he realized there was a camera and it was a prank show he adviced them not to panic people in this way as this amounts to public nuisance and the actor also recognized his fault and promised that he will not repeat it.

  10. He was a lawyer of high court. There was a case who defeanded by Robin. So, hector give him warning to remove From his case . When hector was gone Robin calls to asked to get him protection.

  11. Character-2
    Atul and Rishi were very good friends since their college days. They decided to start a business with their college project that gained a huge appreciation and applause from their district. They have invented an e-cell battery. Both of them had equal stakes in the business. Atil trusted Rishi Blindfolded. One day Rishi took advantage of this and in order to make more money, he betrayed Atul in the business. Unknowingly he got Rishi's signature on the paper and took 85% of the company's assets while solding 10% of it to the 3rd party. When Atul got to know about it he went to catch Rishi and a hand fight began between the two.

    1. Brother your story must show some positive traits which you have genuinely . And this story is not serving that purpose. so write a story which will give solution to a problem(if there is any problem) or show your positive side by some action in your story.

    2. SOLVE THE FIGHT ...

  12. Ramesh is a student of Ba 2nd year he was a good in academic and also he was good in Karate . He used to do practice daily. He wanted to teach students about karate from which they can protect them self. So he told the idea to his sports teacher and others. They became very happy to ramesh idea and gave grant to do it on sports day. Ramesh did practice with his classmate and finally on sports day he and his friend described many type of defencive strategy . Students learn many things from them. Teachers appreciate ramesh and called him to took class every day in sports period.

  13. In this story, Ram whois a spy try to caught a criminal name Michael discusa. Ram got a hint from intelligence agencies that michael is trying to do something big in poonch sector. Ram dressed himself like a criminal and follow Michael .After few moment,michael felt that someone was following him so he tried to run away but Ram caught him and sent him to jail

  14. There was guy name anubhav who wants to save the life of the other guy name saif .

  15. Two persons out of which one gentleman named as Akash age 25 andother seems like in uncle's age as 50. Akash is in hurry and he slipped over something and at that time uncle see him and made him safe from falling down by holding gentleman's tie.

  16. Here are two persons one of them is gentleman named as Akash age 25 years and other is uncle having age around 50 years having something with him. As Akash is in hurry he slips over anything and at the same time uncle saw him and made him safe from falling by holding his tie. At that time uncle's expressions seems to be kind-hearted

  17. Rustom was a teacher in dps school. Given the incidents of increasing robbery, rustom proposed to conduct self defence classes for his students. This proposal was taken to principal"s desk and was soon approved by the higher authorities. The classes lasted for 3 months where students were taught basic attack blocking techniques. They were also taught about law and order that needs to be maintained in such cases. In few months, a group of class 9th boys was able to save a woman from getting robbed using what they learnt in the class. This incident came in news. Later many other schools also started conducting self defence courses and Rustom was invited to head them all.

  18. Rahul is a DM of Lucknow recent robery occur in Lucknow at day time when a robber snatch a bag from business men.
    When he came to know about that he immediately ordered police to take action and caught robber he also provided cctv footage.
    Interogate eye witness and eventually cath robber.

  19. Charan was an Engineer in an MNC in Bangalore. While returning from office after a long and hectic day, he was caught by a hefty man on the street. The man started demanding money from him.he refused to give him money and confronted him. He found out that the man was self-educated and couldn't get a job which is why he had resorted to such violence. He took him to his company and the man could clear the interview in a snap of fingers time. He was eternally thankful for Charan's help.

  20. Charan was an Engineer in an MNC in Bangalore. While returning from office after a long and hectic day, he was caught by a hefty man on the street. The man started demanding money from him.he refused to give him money and confronted him. He found out that the man was self-educated and couldn't get a job which is why he had resorted to such violence. He took him to his company and the man could clear the interview in a snap of fingers time. He was eternally thankful for Charan's help.

  21. Nihal Singh was 38 yr old RAW Officer, working on a secret proj regarding smuggling. Nihal was looking into this matter very closely and finally one day caught a gang member. Nihal beat him, made him unconscious,took him his secret quarter,tied him on the chair,made him conscious,gave him electric shock, sank him into the tub of water, threatened him of death, finally he confessed his crime, disclosed other gang members, Nihal with the troops of police caught them, solve the case,everybody appreciated him.

  22. Ram is a hardworking man who works in pnb bank one day when he was going back to home One Thief caught him in a lonely Street and then asked for his purse by grabing his muffler Ram cleverly boost him and smashed him down his nose after this hented then he shouted and then he get cared by policemen


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