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Thematic Apperception Test - 88 (TAT)

Observe the below image carefully for 30 seconds and write a story around it in 4 minutes.

Comment your story below, comments once approved will be visible in the comment section.


  1. A group of maratha batalliion in kupwara region of j&k got information about infiltration on 2 militant.a troop commanded by maj.rajan accept the task .planned succefully and go to that incident place.fight tactfully with militant and killed them successful without any loss.

  2. It was a scene of India-pakistan battle of 1999. There was a terrain in between the terrains . Indian army is firing over the hidden camps of Pakistan army . Both armies are giving priority to their respective defence forces . They're sacrificing even their life for nation, which comes under extreme sacrifice , and can't be matched with any other profession.

  3. Hav Gopi is the guard commander in a sentry post near POK. One day one of his guard informed him about some suspicious movements on the other side of the valley. Hav Gopi went to the place and noticed an armed militant. With full calm and composure he observed for some time and noticed that there are 2 more militants. The guard stood camouflaged watching the militants and Gopi informed the duty jco and duty offr about this. As one of the militant noticed the guards ,They started firing. Gopi waited for the right time to fire. When that time came he ordered to open fire. Thus 2 militants were shot down and one was injured. They rushed to them and quickly neutralised them. Hav Gopi and the guard was recommended for a gallantry medal for their brave act.

  4. A group of jat regement which was commended by Major sunil rar,they received a information about attack in near village ,Major with his team went there ,saw situation and with full planning and confidence , he bravely rescued the villagers without any casualties to his team or either villagers and two millitants are arrested and taken for remand

  5. Ashu was 25 yrs soldier posted in AMC centre Lucknow as a firing instr. According to trg shedule firing test will be 3 days after. He took initiative and strat rects doing parctis of musketry. They prepare well to firing and went to range of strat firing on Ashu instruction. All round hit to Target and all rects were happy. Bn Co appreciate him and got thanks for his Hard work.


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