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Thematic Apperception Test - 100 (TAT)

Observe the below image carefully for 30 seconds and write a story around it in 4 minutes.

Comment your story below, comments once approved will be visible in the comment section.


  1. Rakesh was a final year MBA student. He had a good idea for a startup in collecting the solid waste materials and effectively using it as raw materials for manufacturing of other things. For that he need approval from government officials for the loan. And when he arrived at the office, he saw a man with both hands lost was walking infront of him. And he enquired the guard about the man. After hearing about the man he went towards him and gave his card so that if he need any help or job the man can contact him. After seeing this, the guard saluted him and he too gave the same. And the guard directed him to the office. The officers were also watching him through the CCTV footages. And he presented very well. He also showed them a demo videos of his startup of using papers, metals, plastic bottles into useful household items. And the officials discussed themselves and had approved loan for his startup.

    1. I think govt offices don't have durbans like that in these type of clothes.

    2. Bro it can be simple and be shortened as
      Raj was the owner of the Delhi 5 star palaces .He use to come to the office in even day he had a meeting on another he arrived the office.He saw that a person with no hand was begging for some help as he was miguided was separated from his team.raj enquirec about him with the security gaurd and he immediately gave his card to him.He gave food package to him himself dropped him to police station.He again satisfy him that Raj is just like his younger brother.Whenever you need help just ask somebody to call me.Raj also requested the Police officers to Help him to reach his partners

    3. If u see the picture properly u noticed the man was there wearing mask so how can u say that if is begging and all.

  2. Raman was a doctor. One day on his way to hospital he noticed a man lying on the road because of the accident. He quickly get out of the car and with the help of other people's get him into the car. He took him him to the hospital in emergency case ans started his operation. As the hands were in very damaged condition and due to infection, he had to cut the hands of patient so as to save him. After the operation the man was saved. Raman felt very happy.

  3. In this picture three man are shown in which one is Mohan which is bank manager and newly appointed. He came bank first time to bank .one the door of bank guard salute him and and the man standing in front of car is her driver.

  4. Ram is a young man who is aspiring to become an IAS officer. He was not born in a well privileged family, so he needs to works as well as prepare for upsc to achieve his goal. He prepared seriously and cracked the exam with good rank. Ram was posted in Pune. On his first day to office, it was a proud moment in his life. He recollected all the hardships, hardwork that had finally paid off. He pledged to himself that he will do his work with great ethic and energy. Ram saw a differently abled man waiting outside to ask for help. He rushed to him and helped him. Walking inside his office he felt proud in having helped him

  5. Riyaz is being appointed as a new Sub inspector in durgapur and he is being welcomed by constable at the first day of joining in the office by saluting him.

  6. Ramesh made a statue with no hand and mouth .This statue depicts the nature of human being now a days . Humans see the wrong things happening in front of them but don't take action against it .Ramesh show his statue and theme in the inter school competition and won first prize .Judges decided to place his statue in front of police office building so that people see this and took this statue as sitier on them ..

  7. Mahindra is a 27 year old Entrepreneur who had a many hotels in city he had many employees but in order to inspect the working of this employees he kept one employee in a face of beggar to check how and what how its security of the hotels work. That beggar used to try all possible ways to enter the hotel but security officials used to thrash him out by giving some food. He reports the same to the owner and it was a regular visit to his hotel that's why turban was saluting and that emasked person.was moving away.

  8. Mr. Ram was the bank manager of SBI posted in Kolkata. He was from Jaigaon and staying alone in Kolkata. One day when Ram went for lunch at a 5-star hotel, he saw a boy without a hand, wearing a mask and standing alone. Ram went to the guard and enquired about the boy. Guard said that the boy was standing alone there for a long time. Ram went near to the boy and asked the matter. The boy said that his parents are missing since morning from the market. Ram took him inside the hotel and asked for his parents's phone number. Ram called his parents, gave them the location and both of them had lunch. After some time his parents came, thanked Ram, and took the boy with them.

  9. Shubham was a businessman and he was going for a business meeting in meridian hotel. While entering into hotel one goon wearing mask and jacket where he hide his hands holdings knife inside jacket came to snatch shubham's laptop bag by threating shubham on tip of knife. Shubham hit the goon's hand with that bag and blow punches to goon and caught him.he asked the guard to call police and on arrival of police he handed over that goon to police

  10. Ram was a renowned businessman in Bengaluru.once he saw a boy standing by his car. With no hands and a face mask. on inquiry, he came to know he is the son of the guard of his hotel and he is not well. so the guard wanted to take him to the hospital after his duty. Ramu, showing his kindness took the child to the hospital by himself, got him treated and also gave him Some chocolates purchased the clothes and new books to study and also he assured the guard that he would take a complete care of the child until he gets independent and also he increased salary of the guard.The guard was happy and thanked him...


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