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SRT Exercise - 1

Below is a situation for SRT (Situation Reaction Test) exercise of SSB Psychology test

He entered the train to find a man sprawled motionless on the floor of the compartment. He...

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  1. gave first aid possible.
    immediately called train authority responsible.
    admit him in nearby hospital.
    booked his tickets fr the next train.

    1. Try wakimg him up by sprinkling water, call RPF/police is required to handle it if found drunk/injured.

    2. And also informed family members too

    3. He checked him and gave him fruit that
      He was carrying in his bag. And will continue his journey talking to him.

    4. Sprinkled water on his face and check whether it is conscious or not

    5. Wake him and him go on his seat if not then call the TC

    6. Should ask for help from others available in compartment and contact RPF. He should observe the situation and give first aid as situation tells. If required then he should give respiration.

  2. Give him first-aid.
    Wake up him... inform rail authority and his family member.
    Enjoy the journey.

  3. Try waking him up by sprinkling water, if anything serious then pull the chain, inform the railway authority and contact the ambulance service.

    1. He go to Man and sprey water o n his face .if he fails to win that time he call to IRPF.

    2. He tried to wake him up and found that the man fainted after shifting him to a nearby seat he sprinkled water and informed the railway authorities RPF.
      Also pacified the other passengers not to panic

  4. First i will notify the incident to the RPF control room and after informing them I would try tp pour some water to his face or mouth to make to get some consciousness

  5. At once lift him up and sat him on the seat

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  6. use first aid kit, informed station authority and Informed to RPF and call ambulance

  7. He try to provide him necessary medication then try to inform people in surrounding and they easily shift him to hospital

  8. Gave possible first aid...informed rail authority and enjoyed his trip

  9. Woke him up and told him to sleep on the berth as he fell down

  10. Firstly I will check his condition and give proper treatment to get conscious state and then I will inform to RPF

  11. He sprinkled water on his face when nothing happend he call railway police.

  12. He has to inform the railway police immediately to tell the condition of the passenger II is not well so so here's to send to the nearest hospital

  13. He tried to have him a first-aid after that he decides to take him to the hospital

  14. Gave first aid
    Pulled chain.Get him admitted in hospital with help of co passenger

  15. Try to wake him up by sprinkling water on his face, if he wakes up then ask him whether he is fine or needs some medical attention. If he doesn't wakes up then pull the chain inform the police and railway authority to admit him in the hospital .

  16. Sprinkled water on his face and try to wake up him and informed rpa

  17. Immediately called for railway police authority and immediately give possible first aid tratment

  18. He helped him to get up And gave some aid which helped him to get relief And also helped him to reach his home

  19. Checked pulse, sprinked water, took him to seat

  20. Will check his pulse and give him first aid. Will inform Railway authorities nd RPF.

  21. I Help him and i call the RPF .

  22. He informed first to the compartment guard . And later asked for the check up by doctor

  23. Wake him up provide first aid inform to his family member and rpf enjoy journey afterward

  24. He sprinkled water on his face and informed the RPF constables who were in the train.

  25. Wake him up give him first aid inform his relatives and rail authority. And then enjoys his journey

  26. Will Sprinkle water on his face. If required called the rpf.

  27. He advised man to get up and take seat

  28. Woke him up and gave him his seat to sleep peacefully

  29. Will try to wake him up anyhow and subsequently call to RPF if required conditions prevail.

  30. Will help the motionless physically handicapped man to reach their seat, sprinkle water on their face, search the man's lost spectacles ,drop them safely to their destination railway station

  31. Pour Water on his face give first aid enjoy the journey

  32. Give him first aid. Informing about situation to rail authorities and his family. If possible let him to hospital or injoy journey.

  33. Was surprised and happy that the person was his father who was missing from 2 days , he immediately informed the police and took him to the hospital .Whole family was happy having him back .

  34. Notify his condition, gave him first aid inform to the railway responsible authority, enjoy the journy

  35. He immediately informed Railway Police Force and then RPF took him to the doctor

  36. Look over the last location of man, help him to reach hospital.

  37. first inspect his situation and then take right action which is best for that condition.

  38. noticed that it was the general compartment which was full and people had to sleep even on the floor

  39. First of all check on him by shaking or calling out to him. In case he doesn't move call out the concerned railway authorities and let them take the matter from thereon.

  40. Give him first aid then inform to the RPF for further action and continue to his journey.

  41. He quickly kneeled down and tried to wake him up. Check whether he was breathing and examined his pulse.

  42. Analyse situation ask for reason and inform rpf and train authority

  43. Check his condition,act basing on it.

  44. First he should check his blood circulation and breathing and then try to wake up him if there is no response from that Man immediately call ambulance and inform railway medical staff

  45. Go near check him dead or unconscious, pull chain nearest station, inform to rpf and take to him hospital by authority.

  46. Came their with first aid to wake him up. He is a railway doctor and informed that someone is there in train who sprawled so he came to check him up.

  47. He searched every compartment one by one and found the sprawled motionless man.he waked him up. He questioned him.cheaked his ticket and give care to him untill he reached his station

  48. He will immediately inquire about his past medical history from the person who came with him if any. If he is alone check his condition and will give him the first aid and ask for help if someone is doctor from the passanger and inform the responsible person and police of railway and if condition is serious then he will try to arrange the ambulance facility in the nearby station and admit him to the hospital and inform about him to his family

  49. With the Help of Other Passengers He must try to bring him in Consious State . soon after he has to call the RPFS by dialing the helpline number 182 . Then RPFS will Sure provide him Ambulance Facility to take him Hospital in next station ...

  50. Will sprinkle water on his face, if nothing happens then pulled the chain of the train and call railway authorities as well as ambulance

  51. Checked his pulse. They were slow but he was still alive. So he immediately put him on the seat of the train and called the RPF and then he sprinkled some water on his eyes, loosen his shirt's button and rubbed his hands against the man's hands.
    RPF arrived very soon and then they took him to doctor. The man who saw him told everything to RPF in detail and then gave the ill man's belongings to the RPF.

  52. Firstly he sprinkle water drop on her face and call railway police. And check him, he injured or drunk , if injured then give him first aid

  53. Pull the Chain .Sprinkle water on him. Lift him up on seat. Contact Rail department And Emergency Helpline .

  54. First i getup man and drink him water and call the rainway authority and when the authority comes i try to woke up him

  55. As the man was lying on the floor I will make him lie on the seat with the help of an attendant after wards I will sprinkle water on his face and check his pulse and ask the attendant to inform the RPF for further procedure.

  56. Check the status of his criticality, give him possible treatment on spot, info nearby people and railway authority and enjoy journey

  57. Starts to wake him up if not make a call to medical emergency In railways and safegaurd until they arrive

  58. Starts to wake him up if not make a call to medical emergency In railways and safegaurd until they arrive

  59. First of all He check the condition of the men and then he calls to RPF and he also doing as so much possible at that time

  60. He should first lift the person ,lay him on the nearby passenger sit than inform the RPF staff

  61. He should help him and inform the railway authority

  62. Immediately contact to RPF and try to stop the train as soon as possible

  63. He will wake him up and make him lay on the berth, call the concerned medical authorities of railways and make him admit in nearby hospital on the next station,enjoy the further journey

  64. He try to waking him by spreading water on him and give first aid to him and call to RPF and inform Railway authority

  65. He was check the man and give first aid and info to railway authority and RPF..and took the man and sitted seat

  66. He sprinkled water on his face. Man got concious and said thanks because the man fall while he was sleeping.

  67. Give first-aid and dial 101 and proceed

  68. Give First-aid ,dial 101 and proceed

  69. Quickly, lift him up, sprink water on him, if failed in it, inform to police at railway station and hospitalize him safely.

  70. laid him on seat with help of co-passengers, sprinkled water on his face, asked if he was alright.

  71. Asked the Co-passengers about him. They told that the person is drunk then he called the rpf.

  72. Give him first aid than take him to the nearby hospital as he entered just now in the train and the train was not in the running position..and obviously will call his family.

  73. Give first aid immediately call emargency train toll free number and also informed to station master and also call his parents than go to your ways

  74. Throw water on his face,gave first aid and call rpf.

  75. immediately went to the Railway Protection Force office to intimate them about the person

  76. Fist of all , I will somehow place that man over a seat . After that I will sprinkle water over his eyes and if don't responds then I will contact for some doctor over there in our compartment. If compartment consists of doctor then he will start the basic treatment and for further treatment I will call to railways helpline service. I will brief them about the situation and then they will halt the train if there is any station nearer. If they refuse to halt , I will have to pull the chain of train for making it halt. Because saving anyone's life is much more prior than that of stopping a train vy pulling chain. After that will take him to the hospital or handove rto the railway police for further care of they take care.

  77. He will check wether he is alive or not if he is alive then he will grab a water bottle and will sprinkle it over the face of that man

  78. Sprinkle water on his face, to bring him conscious,inform TTE/RPF for further medical help.

  79. He tried to wake him up by sprinkling water on him simultaneously telling other passanger to Call for Control Room and Inform TC about the situation and TC will arrange a Medic help at Next Station

  80. He tried to wake up him and first aid him.

  81. Informed the concerned authorities immediately.

  82. Give first and and provider a full seat for rest and inform to railway police authorities

  83. With the help of other passengers place him on seat and give him first aid will inform T.T or police personnel on train. Give to the police on next station and will board on train

  84. immediately pick him up and lie down on the lower berth comfortably, sprinkle water, enquire his well being and pacify him.

  85. Pick him up and rub his feet and palm and to look for any doctor around if his health is more cretical then call for ambulance before arriving to the next station so that he can transferred hospital immediately

  86. Sprinkled some water, made ensure he is comfortable now, gave ors and some fruits



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