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Lecturrete Topic 130 - Narendra Modi On The World Front


Since assuming office as the Prime Minister of India in 2014, Narendra Modi has emerged as a prominent figure on the world stage, wielding influence and shaping narratives across continents. His leadership style, vision for India’s role in global affairs, and proactive diplomacy have garnered attention and accolades worldwide. This article delves into Narendra Modi's engagement with the international community, his diplomatic initiatives, key foreign policy priorities, and the impact of his leadership on India's global standing.

Leading with Vision: Modi's Approach to Global Affairs

Narendra Modi's approach to global affairs is rooted in the principles of pragmatism, proactiveness, and strategic vision. Under his leadership, India has adopted a multi-dimensional foreign policy that seeks to enhance its geopolitical relevance, promote economic cooperation, and safeguard national interests in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Modi's vision for India's global role encompasses key pillars such as:

  1. Act East Policy: Building upon the Look East Policy, Modi's Act East Policy aims to deepen India's engagement with East and Southeast Asia, harnessing economic opportunities, enhancing connectivity, and fostering strategic partnerships with countries in the region.

  2. Neighborhood First: Prioritizing India's immediate neighborhood, Modi has focused on strengthening ties with neighboring countries through initiatives like the Neighborhood First Policy, emphasizing connectivity, development cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges to foster regional stability and prosperity.

  3. Global South Solidarity: Modi has championed the cause of the Global South, advocating for greater cooperation among developing countries on issues like climate change, sustainable development, and reform of international institutions to address common challenges and aspirations.

  4. Economic Diplomacy: Leveraging India's economic prowess, Modi has pursued an aggressive economic diplomacy agenda, attracting foreign investment, promoting trade and commerce, and enhancing India's position as a global manufacturing and innovation hub.

Diplomatic Outreach and Strategic Partnerships

Modi's tenure as Prime Minister has witnessed an unprecedented surge in India's diplomatic outreach, characterized by high-level engagements, summits, and strategic partnerships with countries across the globe. Some key highlights of his diplomatic initiatives include:

  1. United States: Strengthening the Indo-US strategic partnership has been a cornerstone of Modi's foreign policy. His engagements with successive US administrations have deepened defense cooperation, bolstered economic ties, and elevated India's stature on the global stage.

  2. China: Modi has sought to recalibrate India-China relations, emphasizing dialogue, cooperation, and peaceful resolution of disputes while asserting India's interests on issues like border security, trade imbalance, and regional stability.

  3. Russia: Maintaining traditional ties with Russia, Modi has revitalized the Indo-Russian strategic partnership, focusing on defense collaboration, energy cooperation, and joint ventures in sectors like nuclear energy and space exploration.

  4. Israel: Modi's outreach to Israel marked a significant departure from India's past diplomatic posture, signaling a strategic shift in bilateral relations and opening avenues for cooperation in defense, technology, agriculture, and innovation.

  5. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Middle East: Strengthening ties with the Gulf countries and the Middle East has been a priority for Modi, driven by energy security, economic interests, and the welfare of the Indian diaspora in the region.

Foreign Policy Priorities and Initiatives

Under Modi's leadership, India's foreign policy has evolved to address emerging geopolitical realities and strategic imperatives, with a focus on the following key priorities and initiatives:

  1. Security and Counterterrorism: Modi has prioritized regional and global security cooperation, advocating for concerted action against terrorism, extremism, and transnational threats through initiatives like the Global Counterterrorism Forum and International Solar Alliance.

  2. Economic Diplomacy and Trade Promotion: Promoting India as a favorable investment destination and trade partner has been a central theme of Modi's foreign policy, resulting in initiatives like Make in India, Digital India, and Start-up India to attract foreign investment and foster innovation-led growth.

  3. Connectivity and Infrastructure Development: Enhancing connectivity, both within India and with neighboring countries, has been a key focus area for Modi, as evidenced by initiatives like the International North-South Transport Corridor, Chabahar Port development, and BBIN (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal) Initiative.

  4. Climate Change and Sustainability: Modi has positioned India as a global leader in climate change mitigation and sustainability, spearheading initiatives like the International Solar Alliance (ISA) and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) to address environmental challenges and promote green growth.

  5. Digital Diplomacy and Soft Power: Harnessing the power of digital technology and cultural diplomacy, Modi has leveraged platforms like social media, digital diplomacy, and yoga diplomacy to enhance India's soft power and influence on the global stage.

Impact and Legacy

Narendra Modi's proactive engagement with the international community has had a profound impact on India's global standing, diplomatic outreach, and strategic partnerships. Some key outcomes and legacies of his leadership include:

  1. Elevated Global Profile: Modi's assertive diplomacy and proactive engagement have elevated India's profile and influence on the world stage, positioning the country as a key player in regional and global affairs.

  2. Enhanced Strategic Partnerships: Under Modi's leadership, India has forged deeper strategic partnerships with key global players, including the US, Japan, Israel, and France, strengthening defense cooperation, economic ties, and geopolitical alignment.

  3. Economic Integration: Modi's emphasis on economic diplomacy and trade promotion has resulted in increased foreign direct investment (FDI), enhanced market access, and greater economic integration with global supply chains, bolstering India's economic resilience and competitiveness.

  4. Regional Connectivity: Modi's focus on connectivity and infrastructure development has improved regional connectivity, facilitating trade, investment, and people-to-people exchanges with neighboring countries and beyond.

  5. Soft Power Projection: Modi's efforts to promote Indian culture, heritage, and values on the global stage have enhanced India's soft power and cultural influence, fostering greater understanding, goodwill, and collaboration with other nations.


In conclusion, Narendra Modi's tenure as Prime Minister of India has been marked by bold leadership, proactive diplomacy, and strategic vision on the world stage. His engagement with the international community, diplomatic initiatives, and foreign policy priorities have not only elevated India's global standing but also positioned the country as a key player in shaping regional and global affairs. As India continues to navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world, Modi's legacy in foreign policy and global engagement will continue to shape India's trajectory and influence on the global stage for years to come.


  • Narendra Modi has visited over 65 countries during his tenure as Prime Minister, making him one of the most widely traveled Indian leaders in history.
  • India's foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows have surged from $34.48 billion in 2014-15 to $81.72 billion in 2020-21, reflecting the success of Modi's economic diplomacy initiatives.
  • The International Solar Alliance (ISA), launched by India and France in 2015, now boasts 94 member countries and aims to mobilize $1 trillion in investments by 2030 for solar energy projects.
  • India's bilateral trade with countries like the US, Japan, and Israel has witnessed significant growth under Modi's leadership, strengthening economic ties and strategic partnerships.
  • India's participation
