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How to use Target SSB app

This app is mainly intended to provide practice tests for WAT, SRT, and TAT. It contains almost all type of questions that candidates may face in SSB:
1. WAT 
2. TAT
3. SRT

There are two modes provided for test exercises:
1. MANUAL: Candidate changes the questions manually, can also read other answers and discuss their own. 
2. TEST: Questions come automatically one by one.

WAT: Candidates are advised to take paper-pen and start writing sentences relate to each word.
  • There are 60 words in each WAT test series
  • With 15 Sec gap between each word (in test mode)
  • After completing the test analyze your sentences and check where you can make improvements. With repeated practice, your speed and quality of sentences will improve.
SRT: Candidates are advised to take paper-pen and start writing their reactions relate to each situation.
  • There are 60 situations in each SRT test series.
  • 30 Sec gap between each word (in test mode)
  • After completing the test analyze your reactions and check where you can make improvements by giving a better and appropriate reaction, with repeated practice your speed and quality of reactions will improve. Instead of writing long and complete sentences prefer writing short sentences speared by colons in between.
TAT: Candidates are advised to take paper-pen and start writing their stories related to each picture, There are 11 pictures and one blank picture in each TAT test series. 4min 30 Sec gap between each picture (in test mode)
Observe the picture only for first 30Sec and write a story in the next 4 minutes, after completing the test analyze your story and check for these points:
  • The story should have a main character (Hero).
  • Show your qualities through that main character.
  • Choose the age and profession of the Hero what is evident from the picture.
  • Story Should be practical and if there is any problem/issue associated with your story it should get solved by the end of the story.
  • Avoid tough language, keep it simple and clear.
  • NEVER WRITE PRE DECIDED stories and the story should revolve around the elements of the picture.
  • Analyze the picture well in 30Sec and decide the theme.

This is for FREE of cost, feel free to give suggestions and ratings.


  1. I like this app and give me some suggestions for crack ssb interview..


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